
Edb.import_gds_file(inputGDS, WorkDir=None, anstranslator_full_path='', use_ppe=False, control_file=None, tech_file=None, map_file=None)[source]#

Import a GDS file and generate an edb.def file in the working directory.


ANSYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE is needed to run the translator.


Full path to the GDS file.

WorkDirstr, optional

Directory in which to create the aedb folder. The default value is None, in which case the AEDB file is given the same name as the GDS file. Only the extension differs.

anstranslator_full_pathstr, optional

Full path to the Ansys translator.

use_ppebool, optional

Whether to use the PPE License. The default is False.

control_filestr, optional

Path to the XML file. The default is None, in which case an attempt is made to find the XML file in the same directory as the GDS file. To succeed, the XML file and GDS file must have the same name. Only the extension differs.

tech_filestr, optional

Technology file. It uses Helic to convert tech file to xml and then imports the gds. Works on Linux only.

map_filestr, optional

Layer map file.


True when successful, False when failed.