
Modeler3D.create_equationbased_curve(x_t=0, y_t=0, z_t=0, t_start=0, t_end=1, num_points=0, name=None, xsection_type=None, xsection_orient=None, xsection_width=1, xsection_topwidth=1, xsection_height=1, xsection_num_seg=0, xsection_bend_type=None)[source]#

Create an equation-based curve.

x_tstr or float

Expression for the X-component of the curve as a function of "_t". For example, "3 * cos(_t)".

y_tstr or float

Expression for the Y-component of the curve as a function of "_t"

z_tstr or float

Expression for the Z-component of the curve as a function of "_t"

t_startstr or float

Starting value of the parameter "_t".

t_endstr or float

Ending value of the parameter "_t".

num_pointsint, optional

Number of vertices on the segmented curve. The default is 0, in which case the curve is non-segmented.

namestr, optional

Name of the created curve in the 3D modeler. The default is None, in which case the default name is assigned.

xsection_typestr, optional

Type of the cross-section. Choices are "Line", "Circle", "Rectangle", and "Isosceles Trapezoid". The default is None.

xsection_orientstr, optional

Direction of the normal vector to the width of the cross-section. Choices are "X", "Y", "Z", and "Auto". The default is None, in which case the direction is set to "Auto".

xsection_widthfloat or str, optional

Width or diameter of the cross-section for all types. The default is 1.

xsection_topwidthfloat or str, optional

Top width of the cross-section for type "Isosceles Trapezoid" only. The default is 1.

xsection_heightfloat or str

Height of the cross-section for types "Rectangle" and "Isosceles Trapezoid" only. The default is 1.

xsection_num_segint, optional

Number of segments in the cross-section surface for types "Circle", "Rectangle", and "Isosceles Trapezoid". The default is 0. The value must be 0 or greater than 2.

xsection_bend_typestr, optional

Type of the bend for the cross-section. The default is None, in which case the bend type is set to "Corner". For the type "Circle", the bend type should be set to "Curved".


3D object.


>>> oEditor.CreateEquationCurve