
Hfss.create_sbr_antenna(antenna_type='Conical Horn', target_cs=None, model_units=None, parameters_dict=None, use_current_source_representation=False, is_array=False, antenna_name=None)[source]#

Create a parametric beam antennas in SBR+.

antenna_typestr, SbrAntennas.ConicalHorn

Name of the antennas type. The enumerator SbrAntennas can also be used. The default is "SbrAntennas.Conical Horn".

target_csstr, optional

Target coordinate system. The default is None, in which case the active coodiante system is used.

model_unitsstr, optional

Model units to apply to the object. The default is None, in which case the active modeler units are applied.

parameters_dictdict, optional

Dictionary of parameters. The default is None.

use_current_source_representationbool, optional

Whether to use the current source representation. The default is False.

is_arraybool, optional

The default is False.

antenna_namestr, optional

Name of the 3D component. The default is None, in which case the name is auto-generated based on the antennas type.


NativeComponentObject object.


>>> oEditor.InsertNativeComponent


>>> from pyaedt import Hfss
>>> hfss = Hfss(solution_type="SBR+")  
PyAEDT INFO: Added design 'HFSS_IPO' of type HFSS.
>>> parm = {"polarization": "Vertical"}  
>>> par_beam = hfss.create_sbr_antenna(hfss.SbrAntennas.ShortDipole,
...                                    parameters_dict=parm,
...                                    antenna_name="TX1")