
Circuit.get_all_insertion_loss_list(trlist=None, reclist=None, tx_prefix='', rx_prefix='')[source]#

Retrieve a list of all insertion losses from two lists of excitations (driver and receiver).

trlistlist, optional

List of drivers. The default is []. For example, ["1"].

reclistlist, optional

List of receivers. The default is []. The number of drivers equals the number of receivers. For example, ["2"].

tx_prefixstr, optional

Prefix to add to driver names. For example, "DIE". The default is "".

rx_prefixstr, optional

Prefix to add to receiver names. For example, "BGA". The default is "".

list of str

List of strings representing insertion losses of the excitations. For example, ["S(1,2)"].


>>> oEditor.GetAllPorts