Boundary objects ================ This section lists classes for creating and editing boundaries in the 3D tools. These objects are returned by app methods and can be used to edit or delete a boundary condition. .. currentmodule:: ansys.aedt.core.modules.boundary .. autosummary:: :toctree: _autosummary :nosignatures: BoundaryObject BoundaryObject3dLayout NetworkObject FarFieldSetup Matrix BoundaryObject3dLayout Sources Excitations Native components ----------------- When native components object are created, the ``NativeComponentObject`` class is returned. For PCB components, ``NativeComponentPCB`` is returned. .. autosummary:: :toctree: _autosummary :nosignatures: NativeComponentObject NativeComponentPCB ``Native Component Object`` example: .. code:: python from ansys.aedt.core import Icepak ipk = Icepak() component_name = "RadioBoard1" pcb_comp = self.aedtapp.create_ipk_3dcomponent_pcb( component_name, link_data, solution_freq, resolution, custom_x_resolution=400, custom_y_resolution=500 ) # pcb_comp is a NativeComponentPCB ... ipk.release_desktop() Icepak transient assignments ---------------------------- To facilitate transient assignment handling in Icepak, it is possible to use one of the following classes: .. autosummary:: :toctree: _autosummary :nosignatures: LinearDictionary PowerLawDictionary ExponentialDictionary SinusoidalDictionary SquareWaveDictionary PieceWiseLinearDictionary It is possible to initialize the class manually or through a method: .. code:: python bc_transient = ipk.create_sinusoidal_transient_assignment(vertical_offset="1W", vertical_scaling="3", period="2", period_offset="0.5s") # bc_transient will be SinusoidalDictionary type ipk.assign_solid_block("Cylinder1", bc_transient) #or bc_transient = SinusoidalDictionary(vertical_offset="1W", vertical_scaling="3", period="2", period_offset="0.5s") ipk.assign_solid_block("Cylinder1", bc_transient)