
PostProcessorCircuit.get_solution_data(expressions=None, setup_sweep_name=None, domain=None, variations=None, primary_sweep_variable=None, report_category=None, context=None, subdesign_id=None, polyline_points=1001, math_formula=None)[source]#

Get a simulation result from a solved setup and cast it in a SolutionData object. Data to be retrieved from Electronics Desktop are any simulation results available in that specific simulation context. Most of the argument have some defaults which works for most of the Standard report quantities.

expressionsstr or list, optional

One or more formulas to add to the report. Example is value "dB(S(1,1))" or a list of values. Default is None which returns all traces.

setup_sweep_namestr, optional

Name of the setup. The default is None, in which case the nominal_adaptive setup is used. Be sure to build a setup string in the form of "SetupName : SetupSweep", where SetupSweep is the sweep name to use in the export or LastAdaptive.

domainstr, optional

Plot Domain. Options are “Sweep” for frequency domain related results and “Time” for transient related data.

variationsdict, optional

Dictionary of all families including the primary sweep. The default is None which uses the nominal variations of the setup.

primary_sweep_variablestr, optional

Name of the primary sweep. The default is "None" which, depending on the context, internally assigns the primary sweep to: 1. Freq for frequency domain results, 2. Time for transient results, 3. Theta for radiation patterns, 4. distance for field plot over a polyline.

report_categorystr, optional

Category of the Report to be created. If None default data Report is used. The Report Category can be one of the types available for creating a report depend on the simulation setup. For example for a Far Field Plot in HFSS the UI shows the report category as “Create Far Fields Report”. The report category is “Far Fields” in this case. Depending on the setup different categories are available. If None default category is used (the first item in the Results drop down menu in AEDT). To get the list of available categories user can use method available_report_types.

contextstr, dict, optional

This is the context of the report. The default is None. It can be: 1. None 2. "Differential Pairs" 3. Reduce Matrix Name for Q2d/Q3d solution 4. Infinite Sphere name for Far Fields Plot. 5. Dictionary. If dictionary is passed, key is the report property name and value is property value. 6. For Maxwell 2D/3D eddy current solution types, this can be provided as a dictionary, where the key is the matrix name and value the reduced matrix.

subdesign_idint, optional

Subdesign ID for exporting a Touchstone file of this subdesign. This parameter is valid for Circuit only. The default value is None.

polyline_pointsint, optional

Number of points on which to create the report for plots on polylines. This parameter is valid for Fields plot only.

math_formulastr, optional

One of the available AEDT mathematical formulas to apply. For example, abs, dB.


Solution Data object.


>>> oModule.GetSolutionDataPerVariation


>>> from ansys.aedt.core import Hfss
>>> hfss = Hfss()
>>> variations = hfss.available_variations.nominal_w_values_dict
>>> variations["Theta"] = ["All"]
>>> variations["Phi"] = ["All"]
>>> variations["Freq"] = ["30GHz"]
>>> data1 =
...    "GainTotal",
...    hfss.nominal_adaptive,
...    variations=variations,
...    primary_sweep_variable="Phi",
...    secondary_sweep_variable="Theta",
...    context="3D",
...    report_category="Far Fields",
>>> data2
...    "S(1,1)",
...    hfss.nominal_sweep,
...    variations=variations,
>>> data2.plot()
>>> hfss.release_desktop(False, False)
>>> from ansys.aedt.core import Maxwell2d
>>> m2d = Maxwell2d()
>>> data3 =
...     "InputCurrent(PHA)", domain="Time", primary_sweep_variable="Time",
... )
>>> data3.plot("InputCurrent(PHA)")
>>> m2d.release_desktop(False, False)
>>> from ansys.aedt.core import Circuit
>>> circuit = Circuit()
>>> context = {"algorithm": "FFT", "max_frequency": "100MHz", "time_stop": "2.5us", "time_start": "0ps"}
>>> spectralPlotData ="V(Vprobe1)", domain="Spectral",
...                                                   primary_sweep_variable="Spectrum", context=context)
>>> circuit.release_desktop(False, False)
>>> from ansys.aedt.core import Maxwell3d
>>> m3d = Maxwell3d(solution_type="EddyCurrent")
>>> rectangle1 = m3d.modeler.create_rectangle(0, [0.5, 1.5, 0], [2.5, 5], name="Sheet1")
>>> rectangle2 = m3d.modeler.create_rectangle(0, [9, 1.5, 0], [2.5, 5], name="Sheet2")
>>> rectangle3 = m3d.modeler.create_rectangle(0, [16.5, 1.5, 0], [2.5, 5], name="Sheet3")
>>> m3d.assign_current(rectangle1.faces[0], amplitude=1, name="Cur1")
>>> m3d.assign_current(rectangle2.faces[0], amplitude=1, name="Cur2")
>>> m3d.assign_current(rectangle3.faces[0], amplitude=1, name="Cur3")
>>> L = m3d.assign_matrix(assignment=["Cur1", "Cur2", "Cur3"], matrix_name="Matrix1")
>>> out = L.join_series(sources=["Cur1", "Cur2"], matrix_name="ReducedMatrix1")
>>> expressions ="EddyCurrent",
...                                                    display_type="Data Table",
...                                                    context={"Matrix1": "ReducedMatrix1"})
>>> data =, context={"Matrix1": "ReducedMatrix1"})
>>> m3d.release_desktop(False, False)