
class ansys.aedt.core.visualization.plot.pyvista.FieldClass(path, log_scale=True, coordinate_units='meter', opacity=1, color_map='jet', label='Field', tolerance=0.001, headers=2, show_edge=True)[source]#

Class to manage Field data to be plotted in pyvista.


Full path to the file.

log_scalebool, optional

Either if the field has to be plotted log or not. The default value is True.

coordinate_unitsstr, optional

Fields coordinates units. The default value is "meter".

opacityfloat, optional

Value between 0 to 1 of opacity. The default value is 1.

color_mapstr, optional

Color map of field plot. The default value is "rainbow".

labelstr, optional

Name of the field. The default value is "Field".

tolerancefloat, optional

Delauny tolerance value used for interpolating points. The default value is 1e-3.

headersint, optional

Number of lines to of the file containing header info that has to be removed. The default value is 2.