HFSS: FSS Unitcell Simulation#

This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to create a FSS unitcell simulations in HFSS and postprocess results.

Perform required imports#

Perform required imports.

import os
import ansys.aedt.core

project_name = ansys.aedt.core.generate_unique_project_name(project_name="FSS")

Set AEDT version#

Set AEDT version.

aedt_version = "2024.2"

Set non-graphical mode#

Set non-graphical mode. ` You can set non_graphical either to True or False.

non_graphical = False

Launch AEDT#

Launch AEDT 2023 R2 in graphical mode.

d = ansys.aedt.core.launch_desktop(aedt_version, non_graphical=non_graphical, new_desktop=True)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\actions-runner\_work\pyaedt\pyaedt\examples\02-HFSS\HFSS_FSS_unitcell.py", line 37, in <module>
    d = ansys.aedt.core.launch_desktop(aedt_version, non_graphical=non_graphical, new_desktop=True)
  File "C:\actions-runner\_work\pyaedt\pyaedt\.venv\lib\site-packages\ansys\aedt\core\generic\design_types.py", line 158, in launch_desktop
    d = Desktop(
TypeError: __init__() should return None, not 'bool'

Launch HFSS#

Launch HFSS 2023 R2 in graphical mode.

hfss = ansys.aedt.core.Hfss(project=project_name, solution_type="Modal")

Define variable#

Define a variable for the 3D-component.

hfss["patch_dim"] = "10mm"

Insert 3D component from system library#

Download the 3D component from the example data and insert the 3D Component.

unitcell_3d_component_path = ansys.aedt.core.downloads.download_FSS_3dcomponent()
unitcell_path = os.path.join(unitcell_3d_component_path, "FSS_unitcell_23R2.a3dcomp")

comp = hfss.modeler.insert_3d_component(unitcell_path)

Assign design parameter to 3D Component parameter#

Assign parameter.

component_name = hfss.modeler.user_defined_component_names
comp.parameters["a"] = "patch_dim"

Create air region#

Create an open region along +Z direction for unitcell analysis.

bounding_dimensions = hfss.modeler.get_bounding_dimension()

periodicity_x = bounding_dimensions[0]
periodicity_y = bounding_dimensions[1]

region = hfss.modeler.create_air_region(
        z_pos=10 * bounding_dimensions[2],

[x_min, y_min, z_min, x_max, y_max, z_max] = region.bounding_box

Assign Lattice pair boundary#

Assigning lattice pair boundary automatically detected.


Assign Floquet port excitation along +Z direction#

Assign Floquet port.

id_z_pos = region.top_face_z
hfss.create_floquet_port(id_z_pos, [0, 0, z_max], [0, y_max, z_max], [x_max, 0, z_max], name='port_z_max',
                         deembed_distance=10 * bounding_dimensions[2])

Create setup#

Create a setup with a sweep to run the simulation.

setup = hfss.create_setup("MySetup")
setup.props["Frequency"] = "10GHz"
setup.props["MaximumPasses"] = 10
hfss.create_linear_count_sweep(setup=setup.name, units="GHz", start_frequency=6, stop_frequency=15,
                               num_of_freq_points=51, name="sweep1", save_fields=False, sweep_type="Interpolating",

Create S-parameter report using report objects#

Create S-parameter reports using create report.

all_quantities = hfss.post.available_report_quantities()
str_mag = []
str_ang = []

variation = {"Freq": ["All"]}

for i in all_quantities:
    str_mag.append("mag(" + i + ")")
    str_ang.append("ang_deg(" + i + ")")

hfss.post.create_report(expressions=str_mag, variations=variation, plot_name="magnitude_plot")
hfss.post.create_report(expressions=str_ang, variations=variation, plot_name="phase_plot")

Save and run simulation#

Save and run the simulation. Uncomment the line following line to run the analysis.

# hfss.analyze()

Close AEDT#

After the simulation completes, you can close AEDT or release it using the ansys.aedt.core.Desktop.release_desktop() method. All methods provide for saving the project before closing.


Total running time of the script: (6 minutes 8.207 seconds)

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