.. _sphx_glr_examples_00-EDB: EDB examples ~~~~~~~~~~~~ EDB is a powerful API for efficiently controlling PCB data. You can either use EDB standalone or embedded in HFSS 3D Layout in AEDT. The ``EDB`` class in now part of the PyEDB package, which is currently installed with PyAEDT and backward-compatible with PyAEDT. All EDB related examples have been moved to the `Examples page `_ in the PyEDB documentation. These examples use EDB (Electronics Database) with PyAEDT. .. code:: python # Launch the latest installed version of AEDB. import ansys.aedt.core edb = ansys.aedt.core.Edb("mylayout.aedb") # You can also launch EDB directly from PyEDB. import pyedb edb = pyedb.Edb("mylayout.aedb") .. raw:: html
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